Recipes for feeling good

Baked onions with maple syrup more than a sweet-and-sour side dish are a real boon for the body.

A dish rich in minerals and vitamins as well as taste and lightness.

Baked onions with maple syrup

MapleFarm cipolle al cartoccio con sciroppo d'acero - ricetta
1 hour and 10 minutes
Low difficulty
4 servings



  • Peel the onions and cut off the base by a couple of millimeters.
  • Place the onions in well-chilled water for a few minutes.
  • Take the onions back and make a cross cut a couple of inches deep at the top. Spread the onions gently without breaking them.
  • Wet and wring out a sheet of baking paper. Put it in a baking dish and arrange the onions on it.
  • In a small bowl combine the oil and maple syrup, a pinch of salt and pepper.
  • Emulsify well, then drizzle the onions with the mixture.
  • Close the foil with the help of string, then bake the onions at 180° for about an hour. The onions should be soft and melting.
  • Complement them with freshly chopped parsley.

Pure Dark Maple Syrup – 189ml


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